L'Observatoire de l'administration publique is a research pole dedicated to monitoring and comparative analysis. Its main fields of research consist of: the role, structures and operations of government; public policies; and public management.

L'Observatoire de l'administration publique brings a comparative perspective to the study of changes launched by governments, the central players of governance. The observatory thus examines and analyzes the implementation of public administration reforms in developed and transition countries.

As part of fostering reflection and action on the subject of governance, L'Observatoire flags the most recent developments and trends in public administration for the benefit of Canadian and Québec practitioners and specialists in this sector.

Boasting a broad range of activities including research monitoring and sponsored research, governance research projects, and publications intended for a variety of reading publics L'Observatoire has carved out a unique niche for itself.

The publications of L'Observatoire de l'administration publique are distributed free of charge to observatory subscribers (numbering 16 000 at this time), who include public administration actors as well as academics, researchers and students working in the field of public administration.


This bimonthly horizon scanning newsletter gathers information on a day-to-day basis and re-disseminates it in the form of references (available in French only). 


Télescope is a journal of comparative analysis dedicated to presenting the research of international experts in the field of public administration (available in French only).

Contract research
At the request of government departments and public bodies, researchers at L'Observatoire de l'administration publique perform research under contract concerning management approaches, policies and programs implemented in public administrations and organizations abroad and in Québec. This activity, though integrated into L'Observatoire de l'administration publique's mission from the time of the observatory's inception, has nevertheless grown and diversified in the succeeding years and now represents one of the cornerstones of this organization's action.

We would be happy to assess your needs and define the framework of a research project with you. Please contact:

Ms. Michelle Jacob
418 641-3000, ext. 6333

L'État québécois en perspective
L'Observatoire has created and gone online with a Website called L'État québécois en perspective, which provides information and comparative analysis concerning the organization, operations and actions of Québec government. This site draws on information and statistics gathered by the observatory's researchers to produce a unique portrait of Québec. The product of both a descriptive and interpretive approach, this round-up is developed within the framework of comparisons with the other provinces of Canada and a certain number of OECD countries. In keeping with the L'Observatoire's mission of performing comparative research on governance systems, the international and interprovincial perspective informing this continuously updated Website constitutes one of the project's numerous strong points (contents available in French only). »»»

Canadian Governments Compared
The team at ENAP's L'Observatoire de l'administration publique and the members of the Groupe de recherche comparative sur l'État québécois (GRECQ) are delighted to present Canadian Governments Compared, an online publication dedicated exclusively to the interprovincial comparison of public administrations. »»»

Encyclopedic Dictionary of Public Administration
Many terms and notions of common usage in the context of public administration are not defined in standard dictionaries. In view of this fact, L’Observatoire de l’administration publique has, with the financial support of the Inukshuk fund, worked on producing a dictionary to define words that present particularities of meaning in this sector. »»»